Wednesday, June 25, 2008


While at work yesterday I discovered that one of my managers is a vet from our current war.  He was sent into Iraq in 2003 right after the initial attack on Baghdad.  He was a MP or military police officer sent in to bring "order" to the city.  He told me about the heat he encountered in his uniform and the warm water he had to drink because the troops were not provided with a functioning ice machine for the first three weeks.  He went on to tell about how there were not enough supplies when he arrived to the city which smelled like feces because there was no sewage system.  The solider was pulled out of college three times to go fight, and since then has given up on his higher education.  He admitted to having emotional issues from being isolated from loved ones.  He only got one phone call a month and had to stand in line for two hours just to make that call the lasted for only a moment.  Hearing constant explosions did not help with his mental state and moral either.    This is just one story, and there are million just like it and even worse, and for what, oil?  I resource that will run out eventually anyway.  This was should not have been started and now needs to end.  Lives are being destroyed so that the elitists in this country can have their way.  The middle and lower class people of our country are losing their lives for nothing.  My manager told me he made very little money and still lives in fear of the draft being reinstated and having to go back.  Can someone please tell me why this is happening and why members of our government are OK with it.

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