Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Election Day, A National Holiday?

In class today I heard mention of making Election Day a nation holiday in order to provoke more citizens to vote. I thinks this is an excellent idea. This would give the ave rag person who probably works form 9 to 5 the chance to vote wit out having to leave work early, or rushing to the closing polls. I think it would also send a message that voting is important. When students ask why they have the day off, they can be told that the day signifies an upcoming change in who is running our country. They will be taught that voting is an honor, and be given visible proof of the statement. People do vote because they just don't know how important it really is, not because they are the "common idiot" or they just don't care. If our government wants a bigger voter turn out they have to educate the people more on the process and how each individual plays a part. I do not feel that this is the job of the candidates. Their purpose is to win the people over and gain support. If individuals feel that their voices are being heard then they will vote. Let's make Election Day a holiday and raise the voted turn out!!!

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